What is Microdosing?

What is Microdosing?


Disclaimer: Psychedelics are potentially illegal substances, and we do not encourage or condone the use of any compound where it is against the law. However, we accept that illegal drug use occurs and believe that offering responsible harm reduction information is imperative to keeping people safe. For that reason, this guide is designed to ensure the safety of those who decide to use them.




Psychedelics have a reputation for their colorful, abstract visuals and are known to bring shadows to light—or the subconscious to attention.

These common associations are linked to a term known as macrodosing or taking high doses of a substance for a perceptual experience.

Is it possible to have a personal-growth experience without uncomfortable bodily sensations and visuals?


Microdosing vs. Macrodosing

The answer is yes. Modern researchers and psychonauts have been experimenting with a term called microdosing since James Fadiman--the Father of Microdosing--shared his experience of microdosing in his book The Psychedelic Explorer's Guide: Safe, Therapeutic, and Sacred Journeys.

Microdosing is taking a small dose of a psychedelic substance with a specific protocol over some time. It's the difference between taking a shot or drinking a whole bottle of alcohol before a party.

In contrast to a macrodose, a microdose is "sub-perceptual," meaning there should be no visuals and minimal bodily sensations. The amount of perception is dependent on the preference of the microdoser. It is possible to achieve such minimal effects that one forgets they ever took a microdose.

Even though there may not be visuals or anxiety at a sub-perceptual level, one can still experience deeper breathing, dry lips, and bursts of energy. For this reason, we use the term "sub-hallucinogenic." 


Benefits of Microdosing

While research on microdosing is in its infancy, there are consistent benefits reported by microdosing citizens and promising research that suggests it is proving effective.

Microdosing is said to:

While the research has only honed in on these specific benefits, citizen researchers are microdosing for many other reasons: to improve learning capacity and memory, increase energy, expand creativity, process grief, live a more mindful life, integrate macrodose experiences, and more.


Should You Macrodose or Microdose?

Gentle or Ground Breaking?

Unlike macrodosing, which hits all at once and can be overwhelming, microdose effects are subtle. Macrodosing offers a quicker solution or transformation to a problem, while microdosing can take weeks and months to integrate the medicine's lessons fully. If it comes down to choosing one or the other, people choose to microdose for a gentler experience.


The Commitment

Microdosing is the practice of taking a substance at least every other day. Some people can't commit to the long-term course of microdosing and might benefit from the occasional macrodose. Others do not want to experience a full-blown psychedelic trip but rather desire to ease into it and discover the experience slowly. These individuals might benefit from a microdose.

Although the lesson can come quicker with macrodosing, it can just as quickly be swept away with the day-to-day occurrences after a macrodose experience. Microdosing can also be unsuccessful if no integration process supports the protocol.

Both options require commitments, but the commitment looks different.



Not all substances can be microdosed. Aphrodisiacs, like MDMA, should not be microdosed due to their effects on serotonin. Some more potent plant medicines, like Ayahuasca, are cautioned for microdosing. In therapeutic sessions or with reputable shamans, these substances should be a macrodose.



Ultimately, the decision is up to you! Whether you choose macrodose or microdose, you can use The Microdose Journal to help you integrate your lessons and create lasting shifts in all areas of life!

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